Friday, 6 June 2008

The "Z" Factor

Everyone has a "Z" factor.
If you don't, then you're probably not from the same planet as Arnold Schwarzenegger or something. The weird thing is that we're probably not. He's in his own little world terminating innocent killer robots. Seriously, that guy has issues.
Enough about the "Z" factor. You probably have no clue what I'm talking about. Well, that's me. I blab total nonsense in ways i cannot explain.
I love Manchester United.
I don't like mosquitoes.
I hate leaving my wedgie unplucked.
I dislike cookie monsters always having to steal my chocolate 'n' chip cookies.
I'm a real cry baby when watching Titanic.
I hate pop-ups when signing on hotmail or yahoo.
I believe Purple Ronnie's Little Guide to Life is very useful.
I hope the world won't go crashing down when I'm alive - only when i've died.
I don't like guys with huge egos. Who does?
I hate people who dislike spongebob squarepants.
I get along with people who keeps blankies with them at night.
I will twist someone's neck if they ever get too close to my bag of bon bons.

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